Monday, July 05, 2004

o man... the tot of returning to sch tml sux to the power of sux.. i havent had enuff of fun.. ya..i noe.. as usual... who would get enuff of these rite? i still didnt manage to go for a vacation... granny asking me to go for a cruise.. still considering.... it's not exactly a vacation... but it's still away from sinagpore.. away from all my books rite? hm... and it's at the end of the forth week and i have physics common test in the fifth week... do u think i should go? hey pals, if u r reading this, pls give me some suggestions...
anyway, met liang ming today... watched windstruck again... nice... and yes.. i cried again... keke.... didnt regret at all... haha.. having this silly tot... i'm envious of the couple in the movie... even though they r separated into diff worlds... but they're so in love.... i miss the feeling of getting pampered and loved by someone... think i should get someone now? i noe i can..coz i suspect tt somone likes me... :P well, the problem is... a levels is coming...and i noe i should be concentrating on my studies... but i need sth..or someone to balance me... coz when i mug... i got no life... i get depressed and stressed up easily... i had cried before... coz i was too stressed... remembered that i didnt have anyone then too... perhaps i onli need someone to hug me and lend me his shoulder and arms to cry on... hm.. till now, i havent got used to this system... or may be i cant... becoz i'm more of a playful person... some of my classmates say i mug a lot.. some call me a mugger... but who noes? i've been forcing myself to do all the work.. forcing myself to like to tt it doesnt feel so bad doing it... u gotta like wad u're doing, in order to do it well, dun u? well, tt's probably y i dun complain much having softball trainings almost everyday in the week during tournament period... coz i simply love softball...
my life has been pretty dull after efei confessed that he doesnt like me like the way he did before... have met a few online frens.. not tt i'm desperate to look for a bf... i just wanted to look for sth diff, sth new, sth tt i can look forward to.... or may be someone just to spend my boring few days of holidays... u might be wondering... wad about my classmates? wad about my pri sch or sec sch classmates?
my present classmates? i'm ok with them... but i'm not in their clique... onli pretty closer to chunchen... my lecture and tutorial partner... but i noe she prefers to go out with her anderson frens.. tried to get closer to her... but there seems to be a line between us.. perhaps i was too busy..with my ex then... erm...the guys... well, i've play a lot of pool with them.. but guys r guys... dun wan rumours to spark off... dunno wad the gals will think... well, i'm not bothered by it.. but u noe... must liang li er wei... old classmates.. onli emailed and chat with a few in the holidays... met meisiang.. it's quite sad... coz we used to be close.. now tt we've gone our separated ways, in diff sch..some staying moved further away.. some have bfs... we can never get as close as before... no more five musketteers... none of them celebrates my birthday with me anymore... onli sweet little msgs if they do remember... well, i do appreciate them... bu ya.. we're still not as close as before... i realised tt the test results was pretty true... i havent had realli close true frens who will stick by me... not the kind who will be there for u no matter wad happen... there were few who were close... perhaps my onli long term true fren is onli xinglong.... he's a great pal..ya. but he has his own life... so do i... i treaure our frenship a lot... and i realli mean A LOT.. he's the one whom i can look for whenever i'm down, when i'm bored in the chalet...
anyway, tt's probably y i'm very close to my bf when i have one.. he becomes more than a bf... more than someone i love... he's also a fren... my best fren...

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