Sunday, July 04, 2004

hm... dao just me 2 songs from windstruck.... hm... quite nice... reminded me of the movie... man... it's soooo nice..... i'm gonna watch it again... keke :P ya toking about the movie... i had this pretty deep tot... u noe.. in the show, the guy died... den the gal did all she can to end her life...but again and again she failed... in the end she found the will to continue living... noe wad...i think if it's me, i would do the same... i dun think i would be able to live without someone i love so dearly... it's a selfish tot... but i would wish to die before my dear die.... i dun think i'll be able to carry on with my life like tt... but then, if like the gal in the story, after so many tires, still cannot commit suicide succesfully, i wont be so silly and keep trying... it just shows that my dear is there for me and wans me to stay strong and not die...

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