Friday, July 09, 2004

o crap... i was looking thru university of washington's reply to my query on overseas study... it's super god... and wad must have gre... got interview... and they onli take in 100?! my god... wad's gre? sat? yuck yuck... den must write some stupid essay.... may be i should just stay in sg n just get a prof degree... den i can still see my frens and family..feel safe and secure in sg... the most stay in the hostel..still can come back like every my family, have a nice dinner...bla bla...


pussy galore said...

Hey Zhicheng here. I think you should try to go overseas if you can get one. For networking and as eye-opener. Anyway, you said you wanted help regarding overseas uni? You are interested in veterinary science? Perhaps I can go check it out for you. In USA, different colleges specialise in different fields. An Ivy League college does not mean that it is good in everything. So depending on what you wanna do, you choose accordingly.

On how to improve GP.. Lolx... read read read... Verbosity is generally not recommended. Mature thinking and ability to express yourself effectively and succinctly are more important than chim words.

Bebe said...

o hi.. haha..havent hard form u for a long long time... nayway, ya thanx... uni of washington seems like a possible choice...coz my aunty is staying in seattle.... erm... but they onli have 100 students every year...gosh... must be very tough to get in... i dunno.. there r talks organised in our sch next week.. perhaps i should attend them...

pussy galore said...

Good. They offer veterinary course? Most people I heard went to Aust to do that. Lolx... Jia you.