Monday, July 19, 2004

o u noe wad?  there was these lesbian couple on the bus just now... my god..i think the kissed in front of me.. i wanna puke! so disgusting! but the passive side one is quite chio..and her hair so seh... but too bad she's a this proves tt i'm not a bi... muahaha... i once suspected so...
o... and den when i was walking home from the bus stop, i walked past the stadium... there were two idiots exercising in the stdium under the hot sun! as in realli hot!!! i think i'll be barbecued if i were them... think they're trying to sun tan their body or sth..and they wore real short shorts... haha.. their butts are gonna be so white!!! but they got gd body u noe? so well built.. got well toned and well built muscles but not too big.... SEXY!! :P

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