Saturday, July 10, 2004

o man... today was a super tiring day... haha..went to support VJ's first charity busking! watched quite a few performances... quite sad..coz it was drizzling... so i guess we weren't able to raise as much money as we could have... i like rouge's dance.. haha... so cool..i wished tt i could dance as well too.. like honey... u noe? the main character in the movie HONEY? she's like so pro! she's HOT!!! haha... she can come up with dance moves so easily..from watching pple playing bball and kids skipping.. wa pro! envious...
ok anyway, poor dao had to accompany window shopping... he said he has never walked so much continuously excercise leh.... tt's y gals have nice butts... :P yup... o ya...n i think i u put dao in orchard, he'll get lost... thank god..i can still make out my way... muahaha... relaised tt i'm much more familiar with orchard now... so sad...i didnt get to buy bags.. no money!! tt's y... clothes r ex.... things which i like r at least $30.. haha..expensive taste... not as bad as Bernard... after hearing wad cheryl said...

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