Tuesday, July 13, 2004

hihi blog.. managed to find a little time for u today... gosh i've been sleeping realli late these few days... wonder y... pimples are starting to grow... as in realli a lot...sux..spoil my face.. wanted to take pic before i extract my 4 teeth on fri... bo gey!!!! ahhh!!! i dun feel like going to sch next week man... wth..so ugly!!!
i just read efei's blog... he dreamt about j... somehow i felt a tiny bit of jealousy... crap.. why do i feel so? tot i got over it...
read Cleo today... pris's... i always believed in horoscopes.. it said sth like i shouldnt jump into any relationships now until 10th of aug.... becoz i'm a little obsessed with such stuff now.. obsessed? wad do u means obsessed? but somehow it's true..as in..i dun feel tt i'm ready for a new one now... i'm not suer of my feelings..not sure of eveything in my life now...so much stress from so many thing.. sch.... future education..bla bla...

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