Thursday, July 08, 2004

i'm becoming a blogaholic... haha... seems like i have interesting things to say everyday...gotta come online and write sth in my blog everyday... well, got back 80% marked chem paper today.... hm..not bad actually.. quite surprised that i already got a C without counting the 2 essays that mrs yik havent marked... but of coz one of the essays is a goner..couldnt do it... i'll porbably get like max 2 or 3 marks for a few scribbles here and there for that question... haha... not bad... means my chem got hope... and my tuition sessions with suan jin has proven to be effective... i shall work harder for chem den... now onli worrying about physics...think we're getting it back tml.. my gosh... i realli like anyhoe crap thru the paper.. i got so many qns tt i couldnt do... i just anyhow find a way to work it out... hopefully i'm tyco enuff to get them rite... at least some... if not my best sub's gonna be my worst... hehe...
o ya... yesterday if it's not for wad dao told me when we chated on the fone last nite, i wouldnt have gone to frenster.. wouldnt have see those pics... it's so sad... i'm a terrible gal... i've hurt him so much tt he wanted to hurt himself, to even end his life.... may be i shouldnt have started anything... i've decided...perhaps i'm better off alone... despite all tt longing to be loved and pampered and to love another... i'll probably hurt someone again if i get into another relationship... or get myself hurt... nah..sick of it... i doubt anyone will be able to change my mind now... no one can.... may be in future, when i meet tt special someone ba.... wad i saw realli hurt me a lot... why is he so silly? issit worth doing that for someone who no longer loves u the way u wanted her to? even if u did, why put it up in frenster? wan attention? wan pity? i dun wanna noe... dun wanna guess... yes, i cried... i cant help it... cried last nite... told pple off.... told pple to give up... it hurts...even though i no longer like u... it makes me feel so guilty... i realli ssint mean to hurt u tt way... yes, i admit i was selfish..but i do believe we're better off this way... chang tong bu ru duan tong....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Disclaimer: The wad " it's so sad... i'm a terrible gal... i've hurt him so much tt he wanted to hurt himself, to even end his life.... may be i shouldnt have started anything" does not REFER to ME. Another GUY. i onli tok on the phone. -da0