Saturday, January 28, 2006

ahh crap.. i have to chnage blog skin.. keep getting this error message with the last one... realli liked the last one.. it's like some kinda journal.. haha.. n lately, i have a thing for hot pink n purple... lol...

ha.. did a lot today... like some kinda maid.. washed the toilet, wash dishes for both meals, mopped the floor.. gosh.. any lucky guy wan me? hahaha...

it'sbeen 39 days.. how long more do i need? come on, shirley... was it realli tt deep? so difficult to let go and recover from?

waiting waiting.. i noe tt sucks... i noe how it feels.. so sorry... but it is the right thing to do.. the right way to start everything..

ah.. haven't been doing any serious work except for replying to the flv outside vendors... i love to slack.. hahaha.. feel guilty.. but so wad? hehehe...

moody moody... waititng for everyone to get ready to start mahjong.. sianz.. i am itching.. anyone wanna play?

joke of the day:
lobster poot poot...

haha it's a family joke.. i almost made my lil bro merlion.. everyone laughed.. haha i think i was kinda high.... said a lot of silly and lame stuff.. joked and played with my food.. hehe.. o ya.. my reunion dinner was realli... wad's the word.. i had sharkfin with lots of crab meat.. i had abalone.. i had lobster.. i had scallops.. but i dun realli noe hoe to appreciate all these expensive food... is there realli a need for such stuff? but i am still thankful and contented with wad i have..

looking forward for v day... hehehe... ;p

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