Wednesday, January 18, 2006

opened up my blog n listening to my fav song now.. fav.. at least till now..
i came across this song when i went for campus concert with him..
we did nth... but i melted then..
n wished the moment could last forever..
ahhh... sweet memories..
but they shall onli stay as memories...

anyway... been realli busy recently...
no tutorials n yet i'm like working till late night everyday...
dun think we have guranteed any sponsors for flv yet... shucks..
siyong's getting panic-y... even the lil secretary me is also getting worried.. ha..
but i found 4 outside vendors so far.. very few.. but better than nth..
so i'm pretty happy when the call me up or email me.. hee..

haiz.. havent had time for myself..
then again, may be it's good..
who's fault is it tt i am so busy now?
MINE... may be his..
i took up so many pos willingly, partly becoz i wanted to keep myself busy..
so tt i will not think too much about the terrible experience..
n was hoping tt time will fade off everything..
well, seems like it's working..
but i just cant stop complaining...

i kinda broke down for a while on mon night..
lil bro wont listen to my parents..
all screaming n stuff..
then even my bro n me got drawn into the war...
ah damn fucked up...
they r concerned i noe..
but i have just found some time to cheong my tutorials..
please be a bit more understanding...
let me finish my work..
take a look at wad i am busy with before u scold me..

after the short crying.. i guess i felt a lot better...
had to let it all out..
my bro was swearing like never before..
haha.. n he's supposed to be a christian..

o well.. shirley's strong..
nth can bring u down, girl~!!!

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