Friday, January 06, 2006

nuaing day...

been out the entire day... showhand 500 general points for general bio.. n guess wad~! i onli got it for 1 pt~!!! yea yea.. must study hard for it.. even thouhg it may be easy... never ever underestimate the mods.. tt's wad i learnt from last sem.. 6 mods to do.. gonna be damn xiong.. i shall be a chao mugger apart from my other commitments, FLV, engine o week and CHESS FWC.. not easy.. with all the meetings.. plus i dun think i have tt much self discipline.. hee.. cannot push myself too hard.. i'll burn out easily.. from experience..

hm... day 1 of sch isnt easy already.. gotta reach sch at 10am to do mkting for flv.. 12 lunch.. 2-4 teach seth rock n roll.. 4-6 lectures.. ha.. busy busy day...
i'm like coming to sch on alt days.. wahaha... thu is lecture day.. long long day... n after tt, i have flv meeting.. wa.. gonna be tiring seah.. sat fwc gathering, sun engine o week dry run.. fwah~! how m i gonna make time for the new excited bees in my life? lol...

ok here's announcing.. i need chem engineering principles and programming text book.. who's gonna sell or give them to me? dun dare to get it from him.. he may not be ready.. considering the fact tt he hasnt msged me even when we;re both online... on i have fna n mkting text books for sale.. mkting.. i still have notes.. yea... anyone wan it, let me noe...

today.. been a pretty nice day.. good n bad happened.. aiya.. sensored.. heee.. sicne when do i do tt ya? but.. ya.. my life is just so exciting..

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