Sunday, January 22, 2006

V Bash - my first bash after 19+ years

did i mention tt all 1000 tickets were sold out for the bash?!
fwah.. it;s a great success...
on the fri night, there were still pple asking me for tickets..
i counted.. i could have easily hit 80 or even 90 ticket sales if the comm still had tickets for my frens..
haha.. all so last min.. sorry peeps..

so how was my first bash?
hm.. it's as expected.. nth more than jus drinking n dancing..
think i was kinda high already by the time mark came..
one vodka.. omg.. i m so lousy..
shall train up.. wahaha...
luna was shy.. just standing ard in the beginning..
then guideng n me physcoed the rest to go to the central dance floor..
hehehe... not bad.. all newbies.. dunno how to realli dance..
MOS is realli big.. but.. think the music isnt realli tt gd..
even r n b.. music was slow man..
i think retro was the better one.. not the kind tt i like..
but it was easier to dance with i guess..

we went to every room to dance..
haha.. gd exercise.. burnt quite a lot of carbo i think..
no wonder pple who clubs often are so slim..
thanks kahsin for treating us to tt "lime juice"..
wahaha.. couldnt taste the alcohol at all..

went over to check out the PRU pple..
lionel was drunk.. hahaha...
his eyes were like sooo small~!
couldnt even stand up straight..
n he was complaining tt his head was spinning..
i tot he's a chiongster seah..

think i drank a lil too fast, too much at a time..
by the time i was leaving,
think i was kinda floating already...
i could still walk straight thankfully..
thankfully there was my ahmad..
lol... safely driven home..

in conclusion, i will not waste money on clubbing..
i will not go clubbing on my own if i have to spend money..
alcohol is so expensive there..
ooo but the view was gd..
so many yandaos~!
n yes mark.. there were pretty gals ok...

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