Sunday, January 01, 2006

HaPpY NeW YeAr~!!!

O yea.. i'm back from cruise~! yipee~! had lots of fun.. hahaha... hm... let me recall..

1st night - 30th dec 2006

by the time we were onboard, it was dinner time..granny was so kanchiong, she rushed to the restaurant and booked the table for us, even before we could chek out our rooms.. it wasnt our first time, so we're all not very excited i guess.. the last few times when we were here, there wasnt much for us to do...

after dinner, the usual.. arcade... sigh.. star cruise should realli do sth about their arcade.. all the games r like so old.. even my bros didnt noe wad to play after a game or two.. ohh~! n i spot one yandao.. hehehe... one onli~! so sad.. there was another... but.. think he's younger than me... anyway.. nth much to say about them anyway.. er...

after arcade, granny jio us to watch the performance at lido... it was pretty spectacular... but one thing i realli needa comment on.. it's kinda weird to see shaolin wushu performance with techno music.. haha.. n the supposedly shaolin monks fighting with european acrobats and south american dancers... wth~!!! but there're good.. i mean their separate performances.. not when they fight together.. so comical to put them all together.. i cant see how they are linked..

i actually turned in earlier than when i am at home.. after supper, tt;s it.. end of day 1..

day 2 - 31st December 2005
last day of 2005 was pretty happening for me... it was the day tt made this whole cruise experience different... i found out from granny tt ktv there was free if u dare sing in the pub.. as in not in ur own private room u noe.. all u have to do, is to order a drink.. it's pretty cheap if u r gonna spend a few hours there.. n yea.. i realli sang a lot~!!! i spent most of my day there actually.. when i have nth to do.. i'll just go sing withmy lil bro.. hee...
o... after lunch, i went to the casino to look for my granny.. i guess she was losing quite a lot.. she looked at me like i was some angel from heaven when she spot me.. all the aunties n uncles ard me shared the same expression.. i wonder y.. becoz i am too young? becoz i am a newbie? they were like all excited to see me play when my granny passed me her chips to play with.. i placed a bet of 30 bucks.. 10 on 3 different no for roulette.. n guess wad~! i won again.. just like my first time to casino last year.. one shot... 360 bucks~! wahaha... minus the 30.. 330 bucks of winnings... hehehe.. so i decided to stop playing n walk away with my winnings.. hehehe... well, granny was realli losing quite a bit.. so she asked me to play for her.. i think i won a total of 600+ but it wasnt enuff to cover her loses.. her bets were 3 times more than mine... sigh... so... i had to part with most of my winnings... she looked so sad...couldnt help it...

i think i have a few casino fans after my second time there.. haha... so lucky eh?

hmm... after dinner, my family participated in the karaoke competition.. my parents n my bro stanley.. ha.. not bad.. i dun have the courage.. not gd enuff yet... didnt expect all of them to be so onz... went to play mahjong as we wait for 11.30pm to come..

there's a countdown party at the galaxy of stars.. i was expecting sth better.. realli.. it started alright.. with music played from the cd.. when the band played, i started getting bored.. the music is ok.. just not for dancing i guess.. not for youngsters.. lol.. my granny.. so happening.. more happening than my mum.. she was having a fun time dancing ard with the crews and other passengers.. i drank quite a lil so called sparkling wine... fwah... so red n hot in no time... shud train up soon.. get ready for pru bash.. lol... these are some of our pics.. taken with my camera fone..

i convinced my bros to sneak to celebrity disco with me at 13th floor..hehehe.. it was quite fun.. our kind of music was blasting.. disco inferno, my milkshake.. etc... but unfortunately, this waitress came to check our access card n found out tt my lil bro is 18 yet.. haiz.. so we had to leave tog.. went for supper then...

was quite disappointed.. tot my 1st so called clubbing experience gonna turn out like last year's again.. was sharing it with my granny.. n she suggested to accompany me.. ha~~! my granny~! can u believe it?! lol... n so we did~! danced non stop for like an hour.. wa damn tiring.. may be tt's y pple who dance n club often all have gd bods.. shagged off all the excess fat.. hahahaha.... o guess wad.. the cute guy was there too.. so guai.. sitting on the couch with his grp of frens.. prob just chilling out.. or may be there were too many indians on the dance floor.. weijie will never go in if he was there.. hahaha...

hmm... returned just this afternoon... not tired.. since i slept so much.. hehe..

tot thru a lot when i was on board.... since it is a new year, wadever happened last year stays in the year.. let bygones by bygones i told myself.. i no longer hate u.. or anyone.. haiz.. well.. let's be brave n accept the fact tt i still love u very much... i still care for u.. n i do realli wanna stay as frens with u.. i dunno if i am ready yet.... but right now, i am sorry, u r definitely not just a fren to me.. for obvious reasons, the present n the past... since u have let go everything, it;s my turn to do so too.. if not, i'll just be digging my own grave.. for no reason.. perhaps i was too compromising.. too understanding.. gave u too much space when u needed them.. may be seth is right.. we didnt have enuff time to understand each other better.. i mistaken wad u meant by independent n being too sticky.. may be...may be it was my fault in thr first place to allow myself to give u all tt.. time will heal my wounds.. time will fade it all.. hopefully, we can be frens again.. just frens.. photos gone.. smses gone... everything empty... starting new afresh... let time fill up these empty spaces with sweet happy memories...

oops.. i have a stupid qn to ask suddenly.. so... r u still gonna pass me ur books? wahahaha :P

need a hug... need a smooch.. who's gonna give it to me? ok i am crazy.. nvm me...

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