Friday, January 20, 2006

i actually like programming.. i think...
paid attention throughout the lecture.. haha..
,ay be becoz we all have no experience.. all worried n kanchiong..
tt's how kiasu chem engineers are.. lol...
anyway it;s quite fun... especially when the prog works.. lol..
sense of achievement.. lol...

o yea.. my sales for bash tickets is pretty good..
havent reached my personal goal..
but good enuff..
yes yes.. dun count the main comm pple in...
shirley needs to change her hp..
or any sugar daddy wanna buy me one?

haha.. one probably down the drain already..
no chance of revival perhaps.. wad a pity...
i did believed in it.. realli.. think i still do.. but o well...
one dropped out... so sad.. y cant we be as close as before? i mean as frens..
so wad.. no bgr = no frens too?
n one... aggressive i would say...
love is in the air...

tt's all i can disclose now..
not sure if i am ready yet...
dun think so..
coz i still do think about him now n then..
disappointed yet relieved not to see him in canteen today..
it's just a passing stage i noe..
hm.. we'll wait for all tt to go away first..

next thu.. will be the test..
i hope i will be tested...

cant wait for bash~!
i need someone to take me in for the night.. any takers? wahahaha
ahmad is down.. so sad...

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