Sunday, January 08, 2006

LoVe Is A gAmBLe..

discussed about this again..
i sound so pro when i explained my rationale..
we man, cannot predict the future...
but yes.. wadever choices u make now, will affect ur future eventually...
y do some pple hold back so much when they r deciding whether or not to commit, whether or not to give their all?
becoz they care..
n it's not wrong..
but it's not entirely right either..
at least in my opinion...
it's gd tt u r thinking about the consequences..
wad if it fails?
can we still be frens?
will he/she hate me?
will i hurt him/her?
will i get myself hurt? bla bla bla...

u have matured if u consider the other party's feelings..
it's perfectly right to do so..
but wad u think it's best for the 2 of u, might not be the case in his/her opinion...
wad gives u the right to decided sth tt will affect not just u, but the both of u?

ok i am digressing.. so y my title?
becoz.. when u come to a cross road..
when u have to make decisions.. to do it or not, pple tend to hesitate..
whether to step into a r/s or not..
it's just like gambling.. f
or instance, in the game of roulette....
the smallest bet is 10 bucks..
if u choose not to place any bet, u dun take any risk..
yes u wont lose anything..
but u wont gain anything..

if u place ur bet, if u tried, there's a possiblity tt u will lose tt 10 bucks..
but there's also a possibility of gaining..
strictly speaking.. min 10, max 350 bucks of winnings..
so.. would u place ur bet?

i would in most cases..
how would i place my bets?
tt will depend on how much i have with me..
if u never try, u will never find ur answers..
one of my fav quotations, wad lived with me thru my 6 years of softball:

"I can accept failure, but I cannot accept not trying" ~ Micheal Jordan

1 comment:

brad4d said...

The best partnership uses the vows, "for better or for worse" This key can dissolve the "bad" from our lives. Giving up judgment started on page 35 of "Kitchen Table Wisdom" by Remen 4-me. Love is the other end of the care scale from hate, both are opposite of indifference, contentment seems to neutralize the NEED to be happy & still relate.