Sunday, January 15, 2006

wHeEe~! HaPpeNinG wEeKenD~!

ha... had fun this weekend..
hm.. my parents n lil bro went to jb on sat morning.. can back onli at midnight..
how can i not go out have fun~!!!! hee ;p met my pri sch classmates.. hee.. but onli like less than 10 pple turn up.. out of 40~!!! quite pathetic... but still, most of my clique turned up... so not bad la.. most pple left early.. too bad.. they didnt get to experience the highlight of the day. MAHJONG at my place~!! ahahaha... damn fun.. played so much.. i forgot about dinner.. went to eat supper at 10pm with them.. hee luckily mum n dad came back late... but quite paiseh la.. coz i asked them over.. n won everything.. guess i was lucky..

today was not bad too.. went for engine o week dry run... got to noe more engine pple.. ha.. hm... the games are pretty gd... like the maze one best... may be we can chnage tt a lil n add it to fwc's games.. i have an idea too~!! hmm... but i think our beach games more zai.. hee :P

ahh tiring day... ha..

ed is out of the game.. one down, one more left standing... too bad.. i'm still not ready...

hmm... so.. he hasnt taken any initiatives to tok to me.. hai.. dun think i can look at him in the eye either.. ahh it doesnt matter... may be we realli cant be frens anymore... not encouraged at all.. but i realli missed those times when we chat.. n of coz.. the sweet memories.. sigh...

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