Thursday, January 12, 2006

dUn bE A MOdEl~!!!!

it was disastrous... hair like x-men storm, hot pink and purple eye shadows.. i looked ridiculous... i agree with janus.. pple prob wont dare to come for the bash after seeing me.. anyone fright night? lol... i'll make a gd ghost if i can prevent myself from smiling... thankgod i did it yesterday... onli went to arts and sci.. i wouldnt wan to go it in engine n see familiar faces in tt terrible make over... the supposedly professional hair stylist sprayed so much hair spray on my hair tt i was practically pulling out my hair when i was showering.. phew.. luckily i havent gone for my hair treatment.. my hair growing realli fast.. wonder if they will break if i go rebond now.. it'll be 5 mths onli since the last time i rebonded...

heee :P pink dress-up day today... AA or wadever.. i enjoy dressing up.. may be if i achieve my ambition of being a tai tai in future, i can go into the fashion industry... or study interior designing... so cool~!

HOT NEWS~!!! yimin's in pink skirt today~!! so surprising... yea.. every thu shall be dress up day.. i shud jio more pple to join the club... :P ok.. back to lecture~!!

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