Wednesday, January 18, 2006

sigh.. freaking tired.. reached home onli at 10.30pm.. met jennwei at serangoon to sell him one more ticket.. haha he is my biggest buyer.. 17 tickets plus 1 complemetary ticket... had flv meeting till 9 plus...fwah... tiring man... it was raining when the meeting ended.. couldnt get my ahmad to drive me home.. his phone was off i guess.. so sad... oops m i taking it for granted? lol.. o well.. luckily it stopped raining when i stepped out.. just drizzling a little.. stupid lappie is so heavy... i was gonna die off or sth when i walked all the way from yih to EA with my heavy bag.. i have an ahmad now.. i need another bellboy.. wahaha..

freak.. my headache is realli bad... think i shud exercise more.. realli unfit.. onli realised so when i went to jog this morning.. 2.4km.. almost died.. was panting onli after 800m... tt's pathetic...

need someone to shou1 liu2 me on sat.. coz i m going for V Bash~! hehehe... my first bash.. first clubbing experience... hehehe... shud be fun.. especially when most luantics r coming too~!! yuppie~!!!

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