Thursday, December 01, 2005

ha.. i seem to be blogging everyday.. ok it's past 12.. so it's 1st dec already... oops.. hee...

nth much realli happened today.. went shopping in town.. walked from one end to the other.. ha... i am such a direction idiot.. if it wasnt for my fren, i would be lost in orchard.. muahaha... bought this pair of bronze shoes.. quite cool... shall take a pic n put it up one of these days.. i just realised i have a lot to buy... dad's prezzie, hong bee n cheryl's prezzie.. n may be some xmas shopping? shud i get felix sth? haha.. my dear sp..

hmm.. met up with les today.. short hair n yet still super cute.. muahaha.. like my lil bro..went to eat bake rice at NYDC.. shiok~!!! i'm so xin fu.. satisfied man... posh spice is gd.. realli... well i was so full i couldnt take my mud pie.. sob sob.. some other time.. hehe... finally found a gd jie mei to shop with.. les's pretty diff... dresses up n dun mind wearing hats out.. tt's cool.. have 2.. n i havent worn them out in singapore before.. would it be weird? sometimes i wished tt i am stuyding in japan or sth.. it would be fun.. engine;s realli boring.. everyone's in t shirt n jeans.. sianz.. i didnt want to be AA.. so i never realli dress up often.. everytime i do, pple stare...

n hey.. i just put up my counter.. wonder how many ppl read my blog.. lol...

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