Sunday, December 18, 2005

i'm sick...

i'm sick .. down with flu
have fever... had sore throat.. lost my voice..
but do u noe? u never will... becoz u locked urself in ur own world..
where is "we"? where is "us"?

i'm sick of taking initiative everytime something goes wrong between us...
whether it's my fault or urs...
i;m sick of being left alone for days..
no sms, no calls, no msn chat.. no nths.. no form of contacts at all...
how can u be so selfish?
how can u leave someone so dear to ur heart alone like tt worrying?
getting panaroid.. thinking of all sorts of possibilities to y I am treated like tt?
perhaps it's my own wishing..
perhaps i was never so impt to u..
perhaps i was just somebody...
i cried so much.. u got no idea at all..
u ran away.. avoided me n the problem...

thanks for all the pain u brought to me...
i;ve seen another side of u.. and our relationship...
i am angry.. sick.. n frustrated with u.. for wad u have done...
pls do sth about it.. solve the problem.. or prevent me from such sufferings in future...if not.. it'll be too tiring for me to take...

a r/s shud not be tiring...

perhaps u were confused n upset with urself becoz u cant spend as much time with me as u wanted to... tt's very sweet of u..
but instead of brooding over it, shouldnt we try to make the best of wad we have?
instead u choose to avoid me, leave me alone..
wondering wth i did wrong tt i deserve such a cold shoulder from u...
i figured out tt i didnt do anything wrong..
so wad's the reason..
we havent talked about it..
i still dun understand wad is happening..
perhaps one day if u ever see this post, u will like to explain to me..

dun mind my hurtful words... becoz i am realli angry with u for treating me like tt...

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