Saturday, December 24, 2005

PiSsED wItH nUs~! NuS sUcKs~!

sigh.. it's realli bad... stupid nus ask me to either retake CTW of accept a D grade.. wtf~! have u got any idea how much time I wasted on the stupid module? yea.. even though I took my papers in the hospital, as expected I didnt do well, but I am sure I can get at least a B if they grade me according to my assignments like the assured me~! f**K~! wad is this?!!! not as if it's gonna improve my cap.. it's so low.. i onli passed... arghhhh... and physics was my best mod.. can u believe it?!!! I am sure I could have done a hell lot better if it's not for the infection. but nvm... I shall be a full time mugger next sem.. apart from my commitments to the 2 or 3 projects.. I am gonna screw NUS upside down.. they better grade me as promised.. Or I am going all the way to MOE~! I am already affected for all the other modules.. U R SO NOT GONNA BULLY A SICK PATIENT LIKE TT!!!

ah... and thanks felix... for the sunflower.. so sweet of him huh... haha.. never expected him to buy me flowers.. hahaha.. he looks so blur.. with such things... cool... u made my day...

i am not happy with my results of coz.. but it cant be helped.. i wasnt in my best condition.. not even in gd condition.. my brain was so fried.. i couldnt rmemeber anything.. i was so sick.. i couldnt study... so... haiz... who's to blame? the infection... one sem down... i better work hard next sem, need to pull up my cap..

n... about him... well.. i never teared for him anymore.. i guess i feel so numb about it.. i dunno wad to do anymore.. my heart still ache.. i can realli feel the pain, emotionally n physically.. but.. so wad.. not like it will matter to him.. not like it;s gonna chnage anything... selfish he is.. blinded i am... he's away overseas now.. prob having fun... y should I get upset about him, about us? I deserve a hell lot better.. trying hard to move on.. Í have recovered quite well these few days.. have alot of caring and supportive frens ard me.. like felix... have been talking to ruhua... haha... yea.. keeps me occupied at night.. when i think a lot.. influenced by tt jerk i guess.. n edmund... he's been realli sweet too...

y shud i wait for u and expose myself to such uncertainties when there are so many better guys, great guys out there waiting for me to choose? ha.. even till the very second when we break up, u;re still so selfish, still full of urself, still thinking onli about u urself... y do u deserve me care? y shud i remain as gd frens with u? y shud i try and talk to u like before? and exposed myself to the risk of breaking my heart even more if i fall deeper for u instead of letting it go with time, or if i find out tt u fell for someone else when i still have such strong feelings for u? y shud I even consider to remain as frens with u? y shud i? ya.. it's such a pity tt our frenship is flushed down the toilet bowl along with out shitty r/s and memories... but do u realli think u deserve this frenship.. after what u have done to me? y shud i let u off so easily? i dun hold grudges.. i dun usually do.. but it hurts too much... no i wont forgive u.. i dunno wad can be done.. i see no hope n no light to out r/s, to our frenship..

i screwed up my first sem.. it's time to wake up... jerks stay away from me... i am gonna concentrate on my studies and all my projects.. dean's list wannabe coming ur way... i am determined..

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