Monday, December 12, 2005

moody moody... :(

sigh... i'm not happy today... anticipation isnt always gd.. when it doesnt happen, u'll be disappointed.. sigh.. cant complain.. not in the position to...

spent my whole day making name tags for my slc campers... i hope they like it.. becoz it took us a lot of time and effort... i hope they r enthu n fun pple.. if not.. sigh.... it'll be so depressing... not realli looking forward to it anymore...

the right things arent happening.. the wrong things keep coming... argh... tt's my life...

new skin.. i dun realli love it... becoz the grey part is so small.. so small tt u cant realli see my pictures.. cant find any better ones anyway... the last one was too pink.. n no.. i dun feel like a princess anymore..

o man.. i;m a leo.. such an attention seeker.. wth...i shud be more independent... let me get used to this loneliness.. or in a more positive light, independence...

packed my bags for slc... hmm.. now to think of it, it'll be quite silly to wear red everyday.. shall repack it again later.. look for some other clothes to wear.. ha.. i threw in my black vj shorts.. if it gets too dirty, i can just wear n throw... :ppp

hai...bad bad mood...

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