Thursday, December 29, 2005

SuRpRiSe SuRpRiSe~!!

r guys fan qian or wad? he msged...
yea wad a surprise..
i felt almost nth...
just didnt expect him to do so..
coz he's always running away from his problems..
didnt expect him to have the courage to contact me at all..
after all tt he has done to me..

somehow i can still hack into his brain..
he posted..
no this is the last time i m gonna read tt blog of urs..
mark is right..
leave everyhting behind.. y shud i read?
it doesnt mean anything to me anymore..
perhaps it was never anyone's fault tt ur feelings diminished..
i've been thru tt myself..
it just happpened.. ya.. it just did..
still... i cant accept they way u reacted to it..
how u told me tt u were ready before i agreed to start sth with u..

good move there..
ur sms made me feel good..
becoz i am not much bothered by u anymore..
it feels good to be able to let go..
wad a pity.. realli..
i tot it was sth..

but nvm.. u r right..
so is mark.. so is edmund..
so is everyone who have been listening n consoling me..
i certainly deserve better..

life has never been so exciting..
i fell so badly this holiday..
probably caught so much attention,
pple started showing their care a bit more..
feeling pampered..
made a gd fren..
wahaha.. being driven here n there feels gd..
wahaha.. o no.. becoming a lil.. materialistic?
hehe.. i am just plain lazy la..
n tt siao kia mark has proven me right once again..
i shall not disclose all the crazy things u said n done..
haha.. shall not ruin ur reputation..

ooo.. someone baked a cake for me to test tml~!
so sweet eh?
am i lucky or wad?

thanks my angels...
for being there for me when i am weak...
whoever never there dun deserve my tears, care and concern right?
i;ve learnt tt... thanks once again..

off to curise tml~!
yipee.. shall win more money back from casino..
practice ktv..
n may be meet new pple?

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