Tuesday, December 27, 2005

my eventful post christmas days

hee... dun remember if i talked about how i spent my christmas.. so here's it..

hm... went to ecp to blade with edmund.. haha... so scary... exciting n all... i mena the last time i blade was when i was like in pri 4 or 5? realli cant remember how to blade seah.. when i stood up, i tried moving, but i slided backwards... hahaha... but later, i figured it out.. we both had much fun i guess...

anyway, just realised tt ecp is quite a cool spot for frens and couples to hang out.. we didnt have the chance.. wad a pity.. but may be u wont like it either.. i nuaed with edmund on the beach, under this coconut tree for some time when we both got tired with all the (walking) blading.. ya.. it;s quite cool.. with the brezze blowing gently on ur face.. watch the tides come in n out... just nua n enjoy the scenery... tok cock with ur buddy...

edmund gave me a diary for a christmas present.. feel so bad.. coz i havent got time to get him one.. :P next time ok? hee... erm... yea.. o did i mention tt mark gave me this la bi xiao xin vcd? it's so... diao.. but funny.. hahaha... a cartoon version of himself...

26th dec... lao yeye n lao nainai came back from shanghai.. met up with them for lunch.. went to grassroot club.. still prefer the buffet we had for dinner last time.. with all the abalones, sharkfin, xue ha... :)~ hehe.. i told u i was tai tai material... training hard to be one.. wahhaaha...

then went for ks bdae chalet... blade with luna again.. quan was so funny... he couldnt blade at all.. at least kahsin could move... he looked like a robot.. serious.. hehehe... anyway... ya... think kahsin did a lot to make his chalet a success... not bad.. food marinated well... even though i would not like to know how he did it exactly after seeing how he prepares his salad.. wahaha...

hm.. half way thru, i'm so sorry kahsin, didnt come back on time to cut the cake with u.. mark called up n asked for a spin.. i knew wad was up.. so couldnt help it.. i'm a gd fren u noe... hehe... so i agreed.. for the very first time, i took a ride in his car.. he drives like mad~! make acute turns... pple slow down when they turn, he speeds up.. i think.. we went to changi airport.. to have ice cream~! hahha.... havign a car is realli convenient huh.. may be i shud include tt in my must-have list for my future bf.. wahahaha... then went back to ecp, to his pub to have a drink.. well.. i was gg for ktv.. n i am not gd at drinking, so i onli took a few sips from his... yea.. we talked a lot.. it was realli fun.. mark's a real nice crazy fren to hang out with.. he piggybacked me back to the car.. hahaha.... siao one...

byt the time i reached the chalet, luna left for k box.. thank goodness mark waited for me... so he drove me over to parkway.. too bad he has an appt.. if not, i could have invited him too... he's a gd singer.. hmm.. i waited realli long for luna... they actually walked over~!!! hm.. think this is one of the few times i realli sang... hehehe... not bad.. improving..

these few days are one of my craziest days of my life i guess.. after chalet, i actually took 31, all the way to toa pa yoh to shop.. alone... haha.. bought 2 basic tops n a black skirt... realised i have onli spags.. wahaha... hmm.. ya.. then makr called again.. jio me for movie.. but we were late la.. wth.. missed the movie.. n he confused perhaps love with the promise... so diao... alamak... so accompained him to eat.. then he took 22 min to drive to pasir ris.. haha.. lu chi like me... went to pet farms.. played with cute puppies n all.. fun day~!

ya... i'm thankful tt my frens are keeping me busy... so much so tt i seem to be leaving all my sorrows behind me effectively.. not thinking about it as much.. but i still read the smses u send me sometimes.. our photos... think i shud keep all our sweet memories.. leave the sad ones behind... haiz...

i'm a stronger person now.. no one can bring me down...


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