Monday, August 08, 2005

1st day of sch = sad + bore

sigh... 1st day of sch wasnt too good for me... sigh... i had at least a fren with me most of the time.. but somehow i felt lonely.. it's not as enjoyable as in jc.. where u have cliques of ur own who can go everywhere with ya.. uni is so much more individual... n i dun like it.. i'm a leo... i like pple..

or may be it's becoz of the lack of sleep.. i havent been able to focus well.. felt letargic all day.. sad.. sianz... bored to death... 5h of nuaing... frst of all, ctw was a waste of my time.. i shoudlnt have come for the lecture.. gosh.. i dun think i learnt anything from it at all.. n becoz of tt, i gotta nua for 5h... n wait for 2pm to come so tt i can attend my fna lecture...

well, i spent 1h in students lounge over at yih with yimin, seth n pengsiang.. haha.. oengsiang have lecture at 6pm! lucky him.. he stays near by so he can go back home.. o how i wiashed i could stay in hall.. den i can go back to get some sleep... o n yimin.. wa her hair's reali short.. but cool~! haha... no more xiao mei mei... lol... anyway ya.. i didnt do anythign there.. i stoned..

wanted to go swim... but it rained... so i tot of using internet.. went to central lib with pengsiang... n guess wad.. all comps taken up.. my god.. i think they r just gonna camp there.. so we went to tt red discussion room to nua again.. i tried to read the godfather.. but i think i feel asleep? peng siang too since he has nth else to do... how boring eh? i was counting down... hoping tt paulene will come asap.. company.. sth else to do... coz i am gonna meet her for lunch..

went to sch of business at 12.. waited for paulene n her seniors to come for 30min.. sigh... had laksa yong tau fu.. god.. the laksa is a little like curry.. haha... i dunno wad la.. n later, we walked ard... found out LT.. n there were quite a lot of happening pple outside... not like engin... i mean their dressing n hair... engin's like t shirt n jeans... FULL STOP... yup...

o i met someone new.. paulene's hall mate? david.. yup... haha he's quite a funny guy... not bad.. mreo company for fna lecture.. n i dunno how paulene started introducing herself.. she was chatting away with this pretty cute guy when i noticed... haha... was his name games or james? ah nvm... but ya.. guess wad.. he's from engin~! how come chem engin dont have guys like him? he look more like a biz or fass student.. ya..

tt's about all for my 1st day in school... dunno wad to say.. it's just plain boring... sigh...

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