Wednesday, August 10, 2005


yes titleless... i dunno wad to name it.. it has become quite a chore to do so.. another boring day... i agree with loren... spent at least 2h of traveling time to and fro nus just for 2h of phy lecture... n the lecturer realli crapped... he sorta started teaching onli in the last say 15min? ahh waste my time.. o i met mesiang today! wahaha... miss her so much... o n the rest of the 5 MUSKETEERS.. hehe.. we've known each other for like so long... all the way since pri 5... my o my... siang was so formally dressed tt i couldnt recognised her.. tot she was like one of nus's staff.. lol.. haha... n weijin and me were late for phy lecture... couldnt squeeze up the buses.. lol.. so we decided to take A1 instead of C in the end. n we had to walk to the other end of engin fac.. lol.. tiring.. i think i'll slim down soon... may be by end of this sem.. haha.. so much walking to do... nus is full of stairs.. haha.. gd work out.. can keep fit.. hee..

i like to talk about yesterday nite.. i chat with 3 diff guys... hm.. somehow i dunno y it happened n how it happened... was so busy.. haha... first was chris... n yes we quarreled again... i dunno wad to say... he just cant accept me, my opinion n my principles... sigh... is he not the one? chat with weijin during lecture today... n ya... we both agree tt it's mental torment having to go thru all tt quarrels all day long.. when u're so busy, so occupied, all these are downgraded to a waste of time.. xinglong told me to give n take... but how much to give? how much to take? wad's too much? wad's not enuff? it's vague. it;s hard to judge. n it's objective.. one impt thing: when u give, the person may not catch it... sigh... tt's love.. tt's life.. all so complicated... y? y? tell me y?

wad's with skirts? y do gals have to wear skirts? so wad if u think i look better in skirts? must i wear it with u when i meet up with ya just becoz u ask me to? tt's not me? i'm shirley, bitch in total control of herself.. haha.. i dun like n try my very best not to let anyone run my life. i decide wad's best for myself. i like to listen to pple.. diff opinion, suggestions, advices... etc.. but i filter them.. i heed when i agree with ya.. when my beliefs agree with urs... i dun function like a photocopying machine... n i hate pple ordering me to do this n tt, especially when it concerns my life.. ya be concern.. be caring... but dun dictate my life..

did i lose track? ah nvm.. i'm not making sense again..

den it was weijie.. ya poor guy.. locked out of his room... bad day he had.. n so was mine ruined... somehow i didnt talk about myself this time... even though i was sad n frustrated.. i didnt realli pretend.. i just kept it to myself.. becoz he already has enuff to think thru.. i think i managed to be a gd listener... tt's wad guy frens need.. yea... tried to keep him company until dad came down to make noise... i hope he felt better after talking it out..

den i went online n xinglong asked for a chat on the fone coz he was bored? ya... my buddy... coming to 5 years of frenship... made use of my free incoming call line... muahaha... i complained to him.. not as much as before.. not as detailed as before... he's right.. i didnt.. i restrained myself from going into the details becoz they knew each other.. just dun feel right... he told me tt i have changed... he claimed tt i'm not as carefree as before... not so sa3 tuo1... i'm too draggy? am i? perhaps he's right. i've grown older. i;ve experienced more, seen more, heard more.. matured... n things just gets more complicated.. life becomes uglier when u get a better picture of it.. sometimes i just wished tt i am tt inoocent lil' gal.. who's too innocent to understand all tt.. may be then, i will have less worries...

weird weird.. no one called tonite...

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