Monday, August 29, 2005

positive way of looking at it..

i teared a little when i realise i have lost sth special in my life.. it's getting worse.. i dunno if i am being over sensitive.. but it seems so.. i dunno y it has to come to this stage... i regret being so honest... perhaps i never shud have been so straightforward... it's my bad... tot so much.. so much tt i wasnt able to sleep well.. i was kinda moody n sleepy the whole day... paulene was tired too.. so we pon half way thru fna lecture.. haha feeling guilty now.. n there's no webcast.. -.-"
i came back early to take nap.. nua for a while n tot if tt's how i wanna live my life until i can let go of everything.. then i realise no.. y not be happy n be proud tt i m sad becoz i lost someone impt to me? at least i realise how impt he is.. i hope nth drastic has changed.. but it seems a little too late now. sigh... i decided not to bury all tt has happened.. i'll frame it up.. lock it in a corner of my heart... n i simplay cant help it.. but to wish tt someone will one day find the key to open it.. perhaps it's just my wishful thinking.. i m dreaming again.. hoping for sth tt will not happen...

anyway.. i went to jog.. yea.. i managed to drag myself to the stadium n ran 2.4km.. haha.. think it's gd.. a way to destress myself.. sweat out all my sorrows.. o sad sad.. tml will be a boring day... biaoshu went for lazer... cant go rebond my hair tml.. sigh... nth to do.. i shall come for maths lecture.. n may be go swim? hehe... shall start to exercise more... keep myself busy.. so tt i cant stop myself from thinking about pple n things tt i shouldnt be thinking of so much...
i cant help it.. y do tt face keep appearing in my head?

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