Sunday, August 28, 2005

jus another day..

stayed up real late yesterday... chiong my ctw, discuss about ctw.. discuss about this n tt on the fone... n ended up weeping to sleep again... it wasnt tt bad somehow.. becoz i saw it coming... it's sad to face the reality... the sad truth... how nice it will be if everything happened at the right time..

it's too bad.. i dun feel enuff to risk anything.. convince me.. i need to noe how it will be like.. if u wan it to happen they way we all wish it to be.. tt's me... tt's leo... i wont allow myself to step into it until i believe tt it is worth it...

i dunno if it'd gd or bad to say out all these.. i dunno how pple will take it.. i wan it badly but i just cant have it... regrets... ya.. lots...

wad m toking about here? i'm not making any sense.. i'm just toking to myself again... i hope things change for the better... i just wan to be happy.. n i wan u to be happy too... wad do i base my decisions on? i try to find the best way out so tt u can be happy n i'll be alright with it... so tell me... wad makes u happy?

i'm a heartbreaker. i'm a bad gal. i'm as imperfect as u r.. if letting it all go, makes life better for u, n may be hence for me, i'll do it.. or perhaps we shud.. i cant commit anyway... not in sth i'm still so unsure of... it's unfair to ask u to stay... i shud leave.. i think i shud.... fine.. i will...

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