Friday, August 05, 2005

seems to be getting better after all..

came back from o week at about 10pm just now.. boring man... i mena my class is not bad.. there's arwind, the fwc pageant king, my dance partner seth.. n the rest were pretty enthu i guess.. it;s just the way the whole thing was ran.. i mean compared to fwc, this is definitely like a pea.. not fun at all.. n bbq on the 1st night? not tt we dun appreaciate.. but wth? wad makes u think tt we will hang out with our new classmates than our og mates whom we know so much better? haha i love luna.. obviously i clique with luna.. but i did try to tok to a few of them.. so not bad la..

ok main part of this post comes.. just yesterday, i talked to weijie... n he was telling me tt chris n i looked ok at the bus stop.. yea we sure did.. after all, we agreed to give the relationship another chance and i am trying my best to show chris tt i am also doing my part.. who wans to let go of a 10 mths relationship just like tt? it's tough.. realli... i am definitely not a hearltess gal.. i dun wanan break anyone's heart... call me selfish.. but i cant and i wont let anything affect my studies.. NO NO~! especially when sch starts, such problems n ever going quarrels thru fone are just redundant to me.. if we have to quarrel during every fone chat, den i rather not tok at all.. it's such a waste of time~! especially when both of us love to argue our way out... it's just never ending..

i still love him.. may be not as much.. after all tt has happened.. i even tot tt i hate him more than i loved him sometimes.. he threathened to commit suicide.. wad can i say? wad kinda guy would do tt seriously? gal, will u marry or wanna be with such a guy? ya.. it's in fairytales.. o so touching.. he loves her more than his own life.. but hello? we're in the real world here... tt act or tt idea simply tells me tt u r weak. n if u r so, how can i depend on u? not tt i will do so all the time.. i am independent.. but after all, i';m still a gal ya noe.. strong n cold outside, but a lil gal inside just like weijie described, btw, did i mention how pro weijie is? he seem to noe me inside out.. he sees the other side of me tt most pple cant or take ages to see... tt's y we clique i guess..

ok side track liao.. anyway ya... y did we look ok? becoz we r both trying.. i am trying very very hard...tried to show tt i realli care, realli concern.. bla bla.. just made it a bit more bovious now.. partially it;s fake becoz i dun normally say out such stuff.. but o well.. he's just like most guys.. not sensitive enuff.. i;ve got too much to settle on my own.. n boi.. i wished i could stay in hall.. the feeling of waiting for the bus to harbour front alone just now, late at night, wasnt realli good... hall will be great... so much nearer.. so many frens... ahh i hate to be alone most of the time.. mummy... I WANNA STAY IN HALL~!

o well... guess wad.. everyone;s bidding for the SS i wanted suddenly.. few pple did in round 2a.. i was too indecisive.. perhpas i shall try my luck.. we'll see how tml.. if i cant get it, den too bad,, i still have 2 sartors anyway...

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