Thursday, August 11, 2005

maths day even though i ponned sch..

sigh.. no choice.. gotta discipline myself.. sit down n watch web cast... to my horror, n i must have scared seth with my sms, the web cast was on chapter 2! differentiation... which means.. everything from complex roots to er... i dunno wad's part 3 of lecture 1, are all self taught?!!! $#@@#$$#%

there isnt webcast for lecture 1 part 2 n 3 tt i noe of.. so i gotta go thru tt chunk by myself.. sigh... spent my day scaring myself with maths... the pile of notes... n funny numbers n phrases tt failed to register into my brain.. it's just too rusty... even if it goes in, it comes out when the next formula comes in.. ahhhh... stress~! why must they make life so difficult for us? self learning n its advantages... bla bla... for goodness sake~! gimme my webcast n i'll shut up.. i can stay at home n pon all lectures.... which will probably make ur life easier... ya.. n y do i choose to go to sch? to socialise n see my dear frens.. whom i hope our bond to strengthen or else i'll have nth to look forward to... sch will be very sad.. like in pri 3...

ya.. i am weak at this time of the month.. felt my brain swelling up.. so i stopped n went to relax myself.. spot the Love Actually VCD on my bro's table.. so i decided to watch it.. sob sob.. no unhealthy tibits at home at all.. opened the fridge n there were onli breakfast bars, corn flakes, biscuits... n... OATS!! lol... ah... i found TIME OUT! yippee.. dunno whose.. just "stole it".. muahaha... indulge in my chocolate n watched the movie.. shiok!

n i was so tired.. i couldnt bring myself to the stadium for a jog.. n yes.. i failed again... took a nap instead... haha.. i am realli pigging~!

perhaps it;s the lack of exercise.. i'm so weak nowadays... suffered from a terrible headache when i woke up... sigh...

tml's fri! luna outing... so sad.. schs starting.. everyone's so busy... so looking forward to it... i wanan relax n have fun the next few days... coz sat is my special day!!! 13TH AUGUST!!! yea-ness... sat fully booked seah... n mon lunch time.. hehe.. fri.. should i go home early tml? dun feel like it lei... how? how?

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