Wednesday, August 17, 2005

hee.. i just watched my mkt webcast.. 2h of crap... intro n all.. n covered like 2 pages of the notes onli.. lol.. how pathetic.. loren say tt she didnt cover much anyway.. so.. haha.. n ya.. y did i pon? paulene came back to hall realli "early".. 8 or 9am? so she was realli tired.. n i didnt bring my notes.. so ya.. gd excuses to pon..

ya i nua at shears most of the time.. after all, it;s near biz... where i am supposed to have my mkt lecture.. and wait for dear paulene to go lecture with me.. haha.. eh... the room is surprisingly small.. it's onli like half the size of my bedroom or may be smaller? ya.. but they have a real big table n sheleves.. paulene's one is super big.. weijie's one smaller since he has a window at the side.. ya.. actually i was wondering how i would decor my room if i was staying in hall.. haha.. all the weird ideas.. i'll make it real nice n comfy.. shirley's style.. if i so stay one of these days.. hehe...

serene stays in kr.. i shall go bug her one of these days.. haha.. anyway 4h of nuaing was kinda fast in shears.. all the reading n napping i had.. lol...o n chatting.. paulene says tt shears is a slacker hall.. so yup... i might wanna stay there if i ca convince my mum..

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