Sunday, August 07, 2005

tml's 1st day of school!

hm.. i think i am excited.. but then again, i got 5h of free time!! wad am i gonna do man? sigh... boring.. asked suwen, n she's not free tml.. paulene has driving..n weijie.. er... he's a guy after all.. n he has lecture at 12? too paiseh to ask him to accompany me again.. so i am all alone tml.. nua for 5h.. somewhere.. somewhere in nus.. sleep, internet, read, do tutorials.. ah i dunno...

let's hope tt paulene comes back early n i can bug her to accompany me.. may be i can go to shears hall n take a look at her room.. hee.. *keep my fingers crossed*

n ya.. i went out with chris today.. it's not tt bad.. we didnt quarrel.. n i'm glad.. even though he did make me angry for a while.. sigh... sch's gonna start... dun think we can meet tt often.. anyway, i just hope tt things can stay the way they r.. peacefully like right now... i dun wan another quarrel.. headache headache...


i'm mr lonely...
i have nobody...
for my own...

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