Tuesday, August 30, 2005

i feel better but i still dunno wad i shud do

i'm alright i guess.. i m much better..
i commented as he asked.. i dunno if it's right to do so..
i hope it's for the better..
i couldnt realli express myself properly..
some things close to ur heart cannot be clearly explained..
it's there to be felt..
do u noe? can u feel it?
perhaps he didnt understand me well enuff as i tot he did..
sigh.. o well...
i've said my piece..
i hope he realise tt it's all up to wad he wan now..
i always felt the same way..
he's the one being fickle n unsure of wad he wan..
wad we will become, wad we r... it all lies in his hands..
i'm willing to be at ur side.. do u wan me to?
i'll support u.. i always did.. but wad do u wan me to support u in?
i gave u ur space.. let me noe if u need anything else..
there's phy lecture tml.. time to worry again..
i have to run.. i have to try to avoid appearing in front of him..
i dun wan to ruin his day.. i dun wan to make him sad..
but sch's so big.. i think i can hide..

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