Friday, August 12, 2005

i love luna~!

yup yup... today's a great day... we had our outing.. n guess wad... it will not be the last this sem... hee... sob sob most of them had lectures, so they came onli later.. yimin, peisheng, weng hong, weijie n moi went to holland v first.. i had my late lunch in bk while the rest watched me.. haha.. so pai seh... den we went to essential brews.. it's a cool place... the drinks are nice.. shall bring chris n other frens there one of these days... hm... food there looks pretty expensive... but the chill out place on the 2nd floor was neat.. we crapped n played cards there... hm kinda fun... it's quite a gd place to relax after school.. or may be mug during exam period? i had scarlet er.. issit scarlet strawberry? it's like ice blended jasmine tea with my fav fruit - STRAWBERRIES!!! the red, romantic, kinky fruit... haha... has this nice strong unique taste of jasmine tt i like a lot, enhanced with the sour of the strawberries... yea-ness.. yum yum...

yimin's realli cute.. she's using her fone to pass secret msgs to everyone except me the whole entire day.. kinda obvious right, gal? haha.. or was i too sensitive? lol... ya when the rest came, weijie came back with a chocolate cake.. it's pretty nice.. has this distinct taste.. issit peanut butter or sth? ah i dunno.. but i like it.. it tastes realli sinful... muahaha... all the cream.. wahaha.. i think i am gonna grow fat! we celebrated for the august babies... me, shan bin, weng hong n weixiang even though his has passed.. yup... hee thanks luna... love ya lots!!

unfortunately, i had to leave early.. since i'll be out the whole day tml.. must be guai guai.. n i was hoping i can have my 2nd celebration with my family tonite so tt nth will clash tml.. mum couldnt fetch me since lil bro had to buy sch u... stanley wasnt ard... so i guess tt's y we didnt go to suki.. settled dinner in serangoon gardens instead... hm... wasnt expecting much i guess.. feel tt as i grow older, the celebration itself becomes less impt... wad's most impt, is tt my love ones are there with me.. i'm just happy n contented tt luna, chris, my family and other frens are there for me.. yea...

looking forward to tml... it's gonna be a busy busy day!!!

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